

发布时间:2023/09/05    浏览次数:259
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1.X Chen, R Jin, Q Jiang, Q Bi, Y Nie. Delivery of sihif to reconstruct tumor normoxic microenvironment for effective chemotherapeutic and photodynamic anticancer treatments. Small 2021, 17, 2100609 (IF=15.153)

2.Xiaobing Chen, Huan Yang, Xu Song, Hong Liang, Yu Wei, Jiao Lu, Matthias Barz, Rongrong Jin, Yu Nie. Integrated and dual-responsive lipopeptide nanovector with parallel effect to tumor and micro-environment regulation by efficient gene and drug co-delivery. Chinese Chemical Letters 2023, 5,107753 (IF=9.1)

3.H Liang, X Chen, J Rong, B Ke*, M Barz, H Ai, Y Nie*. Integration of indocyanine green analogs as near-infrared fluorescent carrier for precise imaging-guided gene delivery. Small 2020, 16, 1906538 (共同一作,IF=15.153)

4.X Chen, J Yang, H Liang, Q Jiang, B Ke*, Y Nie*. Disulfide modified self-assembly of lipopeptides with arginine-rich periphery achieve excellent gene transfection efficiency at relatively low nitrogen to phosphorus ratios. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2017;5: 1482-97. (IF= 7.571)